Tuesday, June 17, 2008


i think for someone they might not know wat it means rite...
anyway...i got one 'marvelous' chinese teacher...he can teach us...his name is paul!

Paul translate directly from chinese to english version idiom is at following part:
龙游浅水遭虾戏 means dragon diving into river bully by prawn...
虎落平阳被犬欺 means tiger go one place bully by dog...

wahaha...hahaha...that is my chinese teacher...Mr Paul!

Actually wat the idiom means is,no matter how great u are and how powerful u are at the pass but... when the moment u become 'lo' ard..then go where also will bully by someone...

*'lo' pronounce in hokien...

1 comment:

paul lee said...

omg...ur chinese language teacher super geng...